SOPA Newsletter # 09 - July 5, 2007: Shop at Norman's, Live in Finland, live videos, festivals...

::::::::::::::: SOUND OF PERPETUAL ASTONISHMENT :::::::::::::::


Welcome to the 9th SOPA Newsletter.

Right, so everyone in Nortern Europe digging music is muddin' around at the Roskilde Festival right now. Here's a little SOPA news before heading off there myself.

While Roskilde steals most of the thunder (and rain, it seems) SOPA here feels the need to help turn the spotlight towards two smaller, but fantastic festivals. Next week the 5th Forma Nova Festival kicks off in Fredericia, Denmark. Do yourself a favour and check out their MySpace and the line-up (with music player) here:

And even if you don't know many of the names on the line-up... and if you're tired from Roskilde Festival... go anyway! It's the most cozy and relaxing festival around. And you still get all the great music - and don't have to pay a lot for it. Only 250 DKK / 33 euros for three days (12th to 14th of July). And you can just go to the local shops for food and drinks (but do try the festivals delicious veggie dishes and eco beer!). No tired legs either, because it's a small festival. Curious? Then there's some reading matter about the previous years (and photos):
2003: (in English)
2004: (in Danish)
2006: (in Danish)

Oh, and SOPA will be there and we'll set up a little shop. And perhaps we'll put on a little show with one of the SOPA artists not on the official programme. Let's see what happens! :-)

The following week (19th to 21st of July) it's time for more great music. This time in Aarhus, Denmark, at Elektronisk Jazzjuice. Once again an exciting line-up. Go read more here:

There's an article (with photos) in Danish here from last years festival:

So you're going? Great!

And then on to SOPA news...

In the last newsletter we wrote about the NILS GRÖNDAHL gig in Copenhagen. If you want to see some video from that concert check out the feature on the SOPA site:

The SOPA trip to Berlin was filmed and recorded. A little half-hour film from that extended weekend is just about finished. It will be put up for download on the SOPA site when it's done. If you want to sneak peak at a few of the performances then they're on YouTube:
KURvE at Ausland:
Marzipan Marzipan at Schokoladen:

Some extra performances not part of the film:
KURvE at Schokoladen:
Marzipan Marzipan at Schokoladen:

Besides the probable surprise SOPA gig at Forma Nova with a SOPA artist Marzipan Marzipan is doing some travelling this summer. She will play at Musa Setting 0003 in Helsinki, Finland, on July 28th. And she's currently working on setting up a show in Tampere the day before on July 27th. Please get in touch with her, if you feel you can help out up there.
Tonight (July 5th) she plays a show with drummer Big Daddy Mugglestone at Undersoup (below Intersoup) in Berlin. See the SOPA Live Calendar for more details:

And if you need a smile on your lips go to the MarziSpace and listen to "My Bloody Sunshine":

If you check out the SOPA Shop will find A.K. Hansn's book "Mallens Nat" ("Night Of The Creeping Catfish") for sale there. Denmark's best music mag Geiger has written a great review of it. So if you speaka de dansk then read on here:

Last bit of SOPA news: We're proud to let you know that the first two SOPA releases are now available at one of the very best online music shops around: Norman Records!
Not only are they a bunch of nice people over there in Leeds, U.K., they also stock an incredible amount of fantastic music. Great to be part of that bunch! So now, you Paypal-less, but creditcard carrying folks out there can SOPA-shop too! Just drop by . They should have the cds in their online catalogue later this week, I suspect. If not, then soon.

I hope you found the above interesting. See you out there at the festivals and at

Yours in sound and sillyness,

Capt. Daydream